Based on the 1910 French novel of the same name by Gaston Leroux, it tells the story of a beautiful soprano, Christine Daaé, who becomes the obsession of a mysterious, masked musical genius living in the subterranean labyrinth beneath the Paris Opéra House. The Phantom of the Opera is a musical with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyrics by Charles Hart, and a libretto by Lloyd Webber and Richard Stilgoe.
You can do this by checking the bottom of the viewer where a "notes" icon is presented.
Most of our scores are traponsosable, but not all of them so we strongly advise that you check this prior to making your online purchase.
If not, the notes icon will remain grayed. If transposition is available, then various semitones transposition options will appear. In order to transpose click the "notes" icon at the bottom of the viewer. After you complete your order, you will receive an order confirmation e-mail where a download link will be presented for you to obtain the notes. This week we are giving away Michael Buble 'It's a Wonderful Day' score completely free.